Tag Archive: Gaia

Gaia XI

Siberian chalk op paper, 110 x 145 cm

This is one of my new pictures. It exists of several photos I took.  And the title says it all.


My starting points here were the sculptures of Italian artists during the Renaissance, like Giambologna, Michelangelo and Bernini. And link them to my previous research of Gaia and Pythia.

And: the creation of the world (Darwin): “On the origin of species”.

Acrylic paint and siberian chalk on paper, 100 x 70 cm.




Oil on canvas, 40 x 120 cm.

On the origin 4

Gaia-Pythia 2

Well, let’s say, this one is also rather strange.


Finished Gaia-Pythia

Strange painting. Don’t know what to think of it, yet. But it surprises me. And that’s what I always tell my students: “Surprise Yourself!” So that’s probably a good thing.

DNA structures combined with this strange, ferocious woman. The beginning of the world,  the Ëarth Mother”.

Oil on canvas. 70 x 90 cm.


Detail of a new painting, with Gaia as the main character. The painting isn’t finished yet, but I think the face will do (although  it’s rather tricky, to show “work in progress”).

Out of her head (and eyes) DNA structures are “pouring out”. So see this as part One. There’s more to come!

And: “Die begin van die aarde”! (poem by Antjie Krog)

Oil on canvas, 70 x 90 cm (detail approximately 20 x 30 cm)


Gaia 2

Oil on canvas, 65 x 150 cm.


Still working on this drawing.

150 x 105 cm, Siberian chalk on paper.

tek groot 2
tek groot 3 nik

Women, drawings, Gaia

Some new drawings, sketches.

In the Nordic and Greek Mythology, Gaia was the great mother of all: the primal Greek Mother Goddess; creator and giver of birth to the Earth and all the Universe.

I don’t know yet how, but I am investigating how to implant this theme into my work, into my art. So these sketches are part of my research.
